Revenge Thriller STRIKING RESCUE arrives on Blu-ray, DVD, Digital April 15 from Well Go USA |
Tony Jaa (Ong-Bak, Triple Threat, The Protector, Furious 7, The Expendbles 4, Master Z: The Ip Man Legacy) is back in top form as Bai An, a Muay Thai expert seeking revenge against the men who brutally murdered his wife and child in the two-fisted thriller STRIKING RESCUE, debuting on Digital, Blu-ray and DVD April 15 from Well Go USA Entertainment.
Directed by Cheng Si-Yu (Desperado aka Thug in a Suit, The Paper Man Returns), STRIKING RESCUE also stars Hong Junjia (The Grey Men), Shi Yanneng, Philip Keung (Shock Wave), and Chen Duoyi (Story Machine).
Bai An’s (Tony Jaa) wife and daughter were brutally murdered in front of him, now he’s out for revenge and the path will be brutal and bloody.
STRIKING RESCUE has a runtime of approximately 114 minutes and is not rated.
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