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The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1: Amazing Vehicles

Manufacturer: No Starch Press
Disclaimer: The manufacturer provided NewTechReview with a unit of this product for review.
Reviewed by Scott R. Garrigus
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The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1: Amazing VehiclesDo you enjoy building LEGO models, but you've run out of ideas? Do you like building cool vehicles that have features that actually work? If so, then I think you'll enjoy a new book from No Starch Press entitled The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1: Amazing Vehicles. In this book, you'll get detailed, pictorial instructions describing how to build 10 different vehicle models including cars, trucks, tractors, etc.

The LEGO Build-It Book begins with an introductory section that talks about the book and what you'll need to build the models. Basically, if you have set #5867 (the LEGO CREATOR Super Speedster), you're all set. If not, the authors offer advice on how you can find the missing pieces to add to your collection. Also provided is a Bill Of Materials page that pictures every different piece you'll need along with how many of each. An introductory, 4-page Building Basics section then talks how different pieces can be used and how to put them together to best accommodate building vehicles. Another 3-page Advanced Building section is provided midway through the book when you get to the more advanced models, so that you can be prepared for the techniques that are used.

The remainder of the book describes each of the different models and how to build them using a step-by-step pictorial method without any text. Each step shows what pieces you'll need and how many to build the combination shown in the picture. When you reach the last step, you have a full-blown LEGO vehicle model. Each model is also given ratings for Complexity, Functions, and Pieces, so that you can get a quick idea of how difficult it may be to build. The book provides the following models:

* 01: Off-Roader. Design notes: wide wheelbase, high clearance, exposed shock absorbers, front-bumper winch, spotlights. Features: hinged hood, V4 engine, rear accessory clips.

* 02: Go-Kart. Design notes: wide and low chassis, single-cylinder engine, large seat, small wheels, gas and brake pedals.

* 04: Stroller. Design notes: open frame, upright chair, curved handlebars.

* 05: Multi-Purpose Truck. Design notes: short nose, wide axle, high clearance. Features: tipping bed.

* 06: Historic Racer. Design notes: bullet shape, minimal aeroscreen, wide wheelbase, six-cylinder engine, rollbar.

* 07: Classic Car. Design notes: wide chassis, convertible, wide stripe, classic curves. Features: opening doors.

* 08: Wheel Loader. Design notes: heavy-duty construction, central cabin. Features: articulated steering, arm elevation, tipping bucket.

* 09: Street Rod. Design notes: wide rear axle, lowrider, exposed V6 engine, detailed two-seat interior.

* 10: Rescue Truck. Design notes: long wheelbase, cherry picker, arm with bucket, massive front grill, hazard lights. Features: boom rotation, boom elevation.

As you can see from the descriptions, the vehicle designs range from beginner to advanced, but all of them provide a fun LEGO building experience resulting in a satisfyingly cool model. As long as you don't have any trouble following pictorial instructions, you should have no trouble with the models in this book. And you'll be happy to hear that with a brief final page farewell, the book eludes to a second upcoming volume that will feature 10 more models that can be built with the same bricks.

For more information, see The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 1: Amazing Vehicles and The LEGO Build-It Book, Vol. 2: More Amazing Vehicles or visit
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