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Robot Chicken: Season 6 (Blu-ray)

Manufacturer: Warner Home Video
Disclaimer: The manufacturer provided NewTechReview with a unit of this product for review.
Reviewed by Scott R. Garrigus
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Robot Chicken has come a long way since the first season. Instead of many clips that are a few seconds long with quick gags, we now get more skits that are a bit more involved and consequentially more potential for humor. The Season 6 Blu-ray doesn't disappoint with plenty of laughs for both fans and occasional viewers. We get both spoofs as well as original content (similar to recent seasons) from twenty uncut and uncensored episodes including:

1. Executed by the State
2. Crushed by a Steamroller on My 53rd Birthday
3. Punctured Jugular
4. Poisoned by Relatives
5. Hurtled from a Helicopter into a Speeding Train
6. Disemboweled by an Orphan
7. In Bed Surrounded by Loved On
8. Choked on Multi-Colored Scarves
9. Hemlock Gin and Juice
10. Collateral Damage in Gang Turf War
11. Eviscerated Post-Coital by a Six Foot Mantis
12. Butchered in Burbank
13. Robot Chicken's ATM Christmas Special
14. Papercut to Aorta
15. Caffeine-Induced Aneurysm
16. Eaten by Cats
17. Botched Jewel Heist
18. Robot Fight Accident
19. Chocked On A Bottle Cap
20. Immortal

Of course, we also get a bevy of celebrity guest voices, which always adds to the quality of the show. This season sports contributions from Jon Stewart, Smoove B, Kat Dennings, Evan Rachel Wood, Skeet Ulrich, Allison Janney, Matthew Lillard, Sam Elliott, Whoopi Goldberg, Christopher Lloyd, Olivia Wilde, Brecklyn Meyer, Alex Winter, 50 Cent, Ke$ha, Zachary Root, Stanley Tucci, Billy Zane, Abraham Benrubi, Joss Whedon, Brent Spiner, Linda Cardellini, Frank Darabont, and. Stan Lee.

As always the video of Robot Chicken is bright and colorful, which lends itself well to the Blu-ray format. The result is very detailed shots, which look amazing. For audio, we get a single Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack, which sounds great although the surround portion of the track isn't really utilized much. Also, every episode provides English SDH subtitles.

This season provides a huge collection of bonus features, including:
· Audio Commentaries. Everyone episode includes an audio commentary from show creators Seth Green or Matthew Senreich along with some of the writers and guest voices.
· Featurettes. There are twelve featurettes that cover behind-the-scenes of the show's production including voice recording sessions and more.
· Deleted Channel Flip Animatics. This is approximately 13 minutes of sketches that were not included in any of the episodes because they didn't make the grade.
· Chicken Nuggets. This is an interactive commentary feature for three of the included episodes: Executed by the State, Robot Chicken's ATM Christmas Special, and Immortal.
· Deleted Scenes. Five scenes including: Airport Thumper, Pac-Man Colonic, Prank Gone Wrong, Fugitive Death, and Giraffe Skeleton.
· Deleted Animatics. This is a huge collection of 27 scenes that didn't make the cut… over 55 minutes of material.
· Easter Egg. Yes! There is one Easter Egg included that provides about a minute of behind-the-scenes footage when you highlight the mad scientist's eye in the main menu.

So there you have it… Robot Chicken Season 6 is brimming with content. Will you enjoy it? If you're a fan, most definitely. If you're an occasional viewer and you enjoyed episodes from past seasons, yes, you'll enjoy it too. The Blu-ray edition is definitely recommended. For more information, visit
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