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Heels Season 1 on DVD

Manufacturer: Lionsgate Home Entertainment
Disclaimer: The manufacturer provided NewTechReview with a unit of this product for review.
Reviewed by Scott R. Garrigus
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HEELS Season 1 on DVD"Heels is a story about the men and women who chase their dreams in the world of small town pro wrestling. Set in a close-knit Georgia community, it follows a family-owned wrestling promotion as two brothers and rivals, Jack Spade (Stephen Amell) and Ace Space (Alexander Ludwig), war over their late father’s legacy. In the ring, someone must play the good guy (Ludwig) and someone must play their nemesis, the heel (Amell). But in the real world, those characters can be hard to live up to — or hard to leave behind." That is the official description for HEELS Season 1, now available on DVD and Digital from Lionsgate, which has provided NewTechReview with a DVD copy for review.

As a wrestling fan, I was a bit worried as how this show would handle the wrestling world. Would it live up to the hype or drop the ball and portray wrestling in a way that was no where near what it's really like? I'm happy to say the show did an excellent job in the protrayal of how wrestling really works. The scripted performances -- with Ace Space as the face (or hero) of the show and Jack Spade ( Stephen Arnell) as the heel (or villian) are very engaging and true-to-life. Wrestling fans will find plenty of good action here.

Of course the show also covers the characters lives outside the ring, with family and friends often getting put in the middle of the brothers real-life feud, or just being neglected as the brothers put wrestling first in their lives.

Heels Season 1 is presented on DVD in 16x9 (1.78.1) aspect ratio with English 5.1 Dolby Audio and English subtitles. Both picture and sound are provided in the same high-quality as the story itself. Wrestling fans will love the show and anyone interested in seeing a good family drama will love it as well.

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